Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Magic of Sewing

 Sewing is a magical connection....

When you meet someone new it can be scary and uncomfortable but the moment you discover you have a connection thru sewing.... it is like your heart opens up … your hand in friendship extends... and there is no bias …. just sewing!!

Sewing is a universal language.... you will discover it allows you to met on a level that levels the playing field and deepens your connection.

Sewing is it's own language.

This photo makes me smile --- I hope this will be me & my sister someday!!

It is the bringing together --- of hearts & hands.

    - building a community of sewists is my theme of my book inspiration.  My plan is for this book to combine the stories from my sewing journey.  This will include projects that you can use to build a community to serve others thru sewing.  A belief my family has lived and passed down.   

And to share how you can use these projects to support your community is PRICELESS !!

Whether you are a beginner sewists or a veteran sewist …. my goal is for my "Cloth Continued" community will  bring you together and supported with other sewists.

I have wanted to write a book for many years and just didn't know how to start.  So, I started asking for advice and I was total - START!!  So, that is what I am doing.  Just starting to get my words started to flow.  ( and if you still have advice - send it my way)   And the abstract year of 2020 has brought a strange since of urgency to START!!  I need to get this book started even just through this blog.. with the goal to share my "Joy of Sewing".  

Sew ---- you are invited to follow along - I have not set pressures of scheduled posts but, want to continue to journal my thoughts and build this into a book.   ( I actually have 2 books planned)

Feel free to share


and the cloth continues....

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Life is Short - who needs all this stuff??

....  Coming into 2020 I have been reflecting back over the last few years and pondering on what I treasure and cherish in my life. And I have decided to make sure that I am making things that have been pulling at me happen.  And continuing this blog happens to be one of these things....

 The last couple of years have been full of new experiences even if they come from unwanted life happenings.  But, even with the good and the bad it has made me realize that life is short, family is golden, who needs all this stuff ???

Let me explain .......

My dad is in his 80's and over the last couple of years he has suffered from many health issues and has had his house and home uprooted. But, he is doing great now! 

 Wow! nothing makes me feel old more than coming to the stage of life where you have to parent your parent.  But, first, hooray for my sister, she keeps us all sane.  My sister brings our mother's grace into every situation and reminds us we are family first.   And although she does not ask for help, she is amazing! (we all should help a lot more).  She has had the blessing and the unfortunate task of the day to day connections for our dad.  I don't like that I don't spend enough time with my dad.  Each week, I work thru the guilt of not having the time to spend more time with him and the rest of my family.   I am very blessed to have 5 wonderful grandchildren and 3 great sons and daughters-in-love that bless my days with hugs and kisses and making memories. 

Estate Sale Here!  Since my dad's health does not allow him to live home alone it was important to get him into a safe place to enjoy his life.  And then he was ready to have his children disperse the treasures of his life. ( well he was kinda ready)  Moving thru the process of sorting and selling the contents of my dads house is an experience that for our family brought many tears, (but tears of joy),  grand memories and treasures that we will pass onto the next generation.  It also, brought a lot of " what the hxxx?" were our parents thinking when they bought this and that???  I highly recommend that when it is your time to work thru your family's estate that you do it yourself ----- it is a lot of work and worth each memory !!!  Family is truly golden!

Who needs all this stuff?  I do!!!  I want to keep it all - all the items from my childhood that remind me of places we lived and people that are gone forever.  The coffee table that our dog Pogo would slide across the bottom shelf and make scratches that my dad would have to repair.  My mothers china  & silverware that I always remember using for holiday dinners.  The tools that my dad used to build furniture, a real airplane and a Model A Ford and more.  Grandparents mantel clocks, paintings by my mother, my mothers sewing machine, rocking chairs from my grandparents lives, blankets, and so much more that I just cannot name.  But, you can't keep it all and I have to share these items with my 4 other siblings.  It took about 4 -6 months for the 5 kids to go thru my fathers house.  There were days that we dug in and then there were weeks that we avoided this process.   This was a hard process because it brought the end of an era in my life and a final decision that my dad was loosing his home that he built.  Thank goodness that my little brother is moving into the house ....  I could not bare to have this home, my family home being sold to a stranger. 

So Cherish the treasures of your life!  And what makes a treasure important ---- people!  Going thru this has made me look at the things in my life.  They are "things" unless they bring memories to the people in your life.   And I am working thru my "stuff" to make sure that each item brings memories otherwise, I need to pass it on ....... Happy New Year!!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Your worth is not measured by the value given to you by people who don't even know you. Your grace comes from God's love.

Share the Quotes of Grace
She Has Fire In Her Soul and Grace In Her Heart Art

Hand painted Sign  Your grace is enough' on by sariko1981 on Etsy, $30.00
Allow yourself to Nurture Yourself
Where do I jump back in - I started blogging as a journey and an self- inspiration.  I am so grateful for my creative life and family.  And these also keep me so busy that I forget to breathe.-------

There have been so many events that continue to inspire me this year I don't know where to start. 
  • Barbara T'Arts - this is the gathering of my sister, sister-in-laws, nieces, daughter-in-laws.  We get together each year to share a craft project that is inspired by Mom - Barbara . ( Love you Mom!!)  Our theme this year was the word "Grace" .  I must say I am impressed at the talent and creativity that each of crafted to celebrate  "Grace" 
  •  So ------ENJOY!!  
  • a Collection of : Appliqued & trimmed towels by Kris, Nest of Quotes of Grace to ponder daily by Susan, Artful jewelry with hand - stamped charm of "Grace" by Brittany, a heartfelt collage of family - given to Sheila by the Grace of God, Dinner plates with quotes of Grace to cherish by Ali, a cross decoupage with burlap & letters in regal purple by Crystal, a serving tray with "Grace & sunflowers by Becky, and a canvas of quotes of Grace by me.
We are all so blessed to have each other - and to have the families that bring us together in joy & comfort.
And so it continues ----- my creative life shared with the women that inspire me---- who will you inspire.  

The Women of Barbara T'Arts
back; ME, Becky, Susan, Kris
front; Crystal, Sheila, Brittany, Ali

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Happy New Year! 2015

Ok I'm about a week late.   Better late than never.

I make no excuses but, will just jump into it. A great year so far ---family in good health. 
What do I expect this year?  What are my resolutions?  Probably the same as many

- lose weight
- Enjoy family & friends
- create in all forms
- share passions
-  Be inspired

This goes for me at work and at home. Simple plans to live in 2015
 I pinned these words recently that I want to work into my daily life as well- see above 
 I think that I need to appreciate the simple things this year. Back to Basics
I look back over 2014 and the most important and memorable things are; babysitting grandkids, time with my sons & husband, enjoying a craft day with the girls, the road trips with my sister, celebrating with my team.  Its the personal connections that mean the most.  And personal connections don't cost a thing!

Simple life & Back to Basics

  • Lose Weight - this will be the hardest for me - so stay tuned.  My first steps; bought a scale & have ap on my phone to monitor my success.
  • Enjoy F &F - first appreciate them in each moment.  And stay in touch.
  • Create - schedule it!  Planned projects - art journal, new quilt, grandbaby clothes
  • Share - everything is better shared
  • Be inspired - Wake Up...
So I have challenged my Facebook connections to start an Art Journal.  I open this up here as we; and will add more details as we go .

Art Journal
JANUARY - the month of beginning - so I have challenged my Facebook friends to create an Art Journal during 2015.  And I invite you too!!  Make it your own - nothing fancy.  Use  a plain notebook, recycle a book, make a page, block, whatever.  Use an art median or word or receipt or clippings - again - your choice.  Each month I will supply a theme - use the whole month to create. 

January - snow - white - minimal

Hurrah for January -  Jump into it!